Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Soon my little "sabbatical" will end...not by choice but more by necessity. I haven't been out much lately...everyone's been asking what the hell is going on as I'm usually quite the "busy bee"... always going somewhere and doing something...if not errands then shopping, if not shopping then meeting friends, if not that then creating errands or simply on walkabouts :) just never really sitting in one place.

Nothing has happened with my friends neither have they stopped wanting to see me. But with the recent events in my life, I have learnt how to "slow down" a bit...and not just by letting go of the need to be doing something all the time, but also learning how to do nothing even if I'm out somewhere. I guess I've always been the kind of person who was always chasing over something or causing some kind of unnecessary drama in her life or stressing over something or more than usual OCD-ing over something...so much so that I lost sight of enjoying the present moment...to be completely lost in enjoyment of appreciating the pleasure of what was going on at that particular time...am I making any sense? I'm finally learning how to do nothing!!! As the Italians say it..."il bel far niente"

So here I am not stressing about having no plans, or rather making no plans. When someone asks "What are you up to today?" the answer is "nothing" or "no plans" :))))))))))))))))))) I like that answer. Soon when I am back at work, I will have to follow a schedule...yes my job revolves around transitions, routines and a schedule...so I am going to be enjoying "il bel far niente" as long it lasts. The only plan I've made for the week is to go to Ikea (because I have to) and a trip to Sentosa...to what? ABSOLUTELY NIENTE! NOTHING AT ALL...I can already smell the bliss in that :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

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